
Thursday, June 20, 2013

How It All Started

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my blog: :)
I know some of you might recognise this URL, that is because I have a tumblr account with the same user. On this blog what I hope to do is keep track of the things that are happening in my life, both for future reference and some way to express myself through writing. Today's blog post is basically going to recap everything that has been happening recently, and it has all been exqually exciting and stressful.

Three years ago, in Feburary, my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It came as a total shock to my family, myself even more so being only 12 years old. To me that was the toughest time period myself and my family has ever gone through. I found that during those horrible months I became a different person. I started to be more reserved, you could hardly ever get me out of my room, I gained a lot of weight from overeating due to stress. What bothered me most was the uncertainty of my mothers health. After 6 months of chemotherapy she was given the all clear, only to have another spot found three months later. She is all clear now, that is what is most important.

This year was the first year she has been well enough to do extensive work and exercise. When seeing an advertisement on TV about the Mother's Day Classic, I simply had to register us both. We signed up for the 7.4km walk - something we could both manage. We ordered merchandise and even set up a fundraising page. Never did I think things would turn out the way they have.

Within the first 12 hours of having a sponsor page, family and friends began donating. These weren't small donations either. Within 4 days we managed to reach $1,000 from our generous sponsors. I still felt the need to do something bigger, to raise more money and say "I did this, I am proud of my efforts". So what did I do? I composed a Bake Sale at my school.

In the week leading up to the sale my mother and I made over 150 items to sell. We made cookies, muffins, biscuits, meringues and cupcakes. The students at my school were so kind and generous, I was able to raise $312 dollars from the one sale. In addition the school made a separate donation and combined teacher sponsorship. 2 weeks later my mum and I raised a total of $4,300 for this cause. We were so overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and family, it brought me to tears many times.

We ended up ranking highest fundraisers in the state, which is quite and achievement - once again I was ecstatic and just blown away. Then something else happened....there was a competition running at the time. All people who managed to raise over 3,000 dollars were entered in the draw to win one of two (2) return tickets to either Europe, the Middle East or Africa - you can probably tell where this is leading to :)

On a Wednesday, my mum got a phone call saying that we won the trip!! I have not won anything that big in my life, I was crying and laughing and jumping around too - screaming even :) It was one of those "pinch me" moments when you question if you are dreaming or not. So yes, we won the tickets. But, we managed to get Qatar airways to switch the destination to the US. I guess Europe will have to wait, because I am going to the UNITED STATES!!!

That basically sums up my most recent events, I will be posting somethings leading up to my trip as well as updates whilst I am away (including pictures and journal posts). I cannot wait for August, only a few months left! I also cannot wait to share this with you all :)

Love you heaps,
Olivia xxx


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