
Saturday, July 20, 2013

40 Days!

That's right, 40 days!!
The countdown clock began as soon as I found out I was going to America, yet tomorrow it is one of the first official days to start counting down until my holiday :) For me the purpose of this post is to have evidence and proof as to my goals right up until I leave; this includes a few extra goals.

1. Start saving all money I receive
2. Get my skin in check, use my products regularly to avoid breakouts
3. Experiment with my cameras so I know how to use all of them well
4. Order anything that I need online - new memory cards, camera cases
5. Book tickets to all events that need pre-booking - Wicked, Disney, Universal Studios
6. Start doing an updated version of my Clean Eating - so not excessive snacking on cereals and granola, foods that make me feel bloated and yuck. Also, still keeping of my current goal of no sweets and chocolate and three meals per day :)

What I am most looking forward to whilst on my trip is the opportunity to take amazing photographs. When I was overseas last time I was too young to appreciate the art of photography, neither of my parents knew how to take great photos so I only had the bare minimum of images from my trip. This time we have vowed to absorb as much as possible, take our time at the places we go to in order to get great video and pictures :)

My next post relating to my holiday will be closer to the date of my departure,
Until then, I wish you well :)



Friday, June 28, 2013

Clean Eating?

Hello Everyone,
Hope you are having a very good weekend :) I myself love the Saturday morning sleep ins!!

The topic for today's post is Clean Eating - actually, it is my definition of clean eating. Earlier this year I had my Uncles Wedding. Two weeks prior to the wedding I decided to clean eat. This basically meant I did not touch any foods consisting of high sugars, high fats and artificial additives. It was pretty hard, and like I said, I set the goal for two weeks. 

I made it clear to myself to give up:

  • Chocolate
  • Ice Cream
  • Cake
  • Lollies
  • Sweets
  • Fast Food
  • Pizza
  • High Carb Bread and Pasta
  • Foods High in Calcium (My skin goes spastic when I have too much cheese and milk) 
  • High Sugar Drinks
Basically anything that tastes good - and I stuck to that goal. The breaking point for me was when I had the piece of delicious lemon vanilla cake, which was covered in butter cream and fondant - my all time favourite. I supplemented these fatty foods with fruit and healthier alternatives. If I wanted a late nigh snack, I opted for a cup of tea and a small serving of yoghurt. I felt healthier, stronger and more awake in the mornings instead of down and low on energy.

It has been a few months since then so I allowed myself the time to have the things that I cut out. At the start of this Term of school (2), I decided that it would be my challenge to opt out for the whole 10 weeks! I know, it seemed pretty crazy!! The first week or so was torture, the cravings were horrible and I was in a terrible mood during that time. However, through the end of the 2nd and start of the 3rd week, I no longer felt the cravings OR need to snack on fatty foods. Sure this has received funny looks from family members, when they would be eating cakes and having ice cream whereas I would be content with Green Tea :)

My aim here was not to lose weight, it was more of a challenge to see how long I could last. And I am so happy with my achievements. I am 9 weeks clean going strong!! I feel so much better and healthier compared to before. I know it is good to treat yourself once in a while, but this is a complete test of will power. 

Ever since finding out about my holiday I have decided to extend this clean eating until August 29th (the day I leave the country for the US). I am having so much fun experimenting with new foods and eliminating things that make me feel sick :) Overall I am happier doing this clean eating challenge, and I don't want to change that.

So that is a basic update on what I have been doing eating wise :) Here is a selection of things that are my favourite food/meals at the moment. Have a nice day everyone!!

                              Chicken Salad in Pita Bread            Granola with Yoghurt and Apple

                                  Mandarin Salad                              Chicken Noodle Soup

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How It All Started

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my blog: :)
I know some of you might recognise this URL, that is because I have a tumblr account with the same user. On this blog what I hope to do is keep track of the things that are happening in my life, both for future reference and some way to express myself through writing. Today's blog post is basically going to recap everything that has been happening recently, and it has all been exqually exciting and stressful.

Three years ago, in Feburary, my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It came as a total shock to my family, myself even more so being only 12 years old. To me that was the toughest time period myself and my family has ever gone through. I found that during those horrible months I became a different person. I started to be more reserved, you could hardly ever get me out of my room, I gained a lot of weight from overeating due to stress. What bothered me most was the uncertainty of my mothers health. After 6 months of chemotherapy she was given the all clear, only to have another spot found three months later. She is all clear now, that is what is most important.

This year was the first year she has been well enough to do extensive work and exercise. When seeing an advertisement on TV about the Mother's Day Classic, I simply had to register us both. We signed up for the 7.4km walk - something we could both manage. We ordered merchandise and even set up a fundraising page. Never did I think things would turn out the way they have.

Within the first 12 hours of having a sponsor page, family and friends began donating. These weren't small donations either. Within 4 days we managed to reach $1,000 from our generous sponsors. I still felt the need to do something bigger, to raise more money and say "I did this, I am proud of my efforts". So what did I do? I composed a Bake Sale at my school.

In the week leading up to the sale my mother and I made over 150 items to sell. We made cookies, muffins, biscuits, meringues and cupcakes. The students at my school were so kind and generous, I was able to raise $312 dollars from the one sale. In addition the school made a separate donation and combined teacher sponsorship. 2 weeks later my mum and I raised a total of $4,300 for this cause. We were so overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and family, it brought me to tears many times.

We ended up ranking highest fundraisers in the state, which is quite and achievement - once again I was ecstatic and just blown away. Then something else happened....there was a competition running at the time. All people who managed to raise over 3,000 dollars were entered in the draw to win one of two (2) return tickets to either Europe, the Middle East or Africa - you can probably tell where this is leading to :)

On a Wednesday, my mum got a phone call saying that we won the trip!! I have not won anything that big in my life, I was crying and laughing and jumping around too - screaming even :) It was one of those "pinch me" moments when you question if you are dreaming or not. So yes, we won the tickets. But, we managed to get Qatar airways to switch the destination to the US. I guess Europe will have to wait, because I am going to the UNITED STATES!!!

That basically sums up my most recent events, I will be posting somethings leading up to my trip as well as updates whilst I am away (including pictures and journal posts). I cannot wait for August, only a few months left! I also cannot wait to share this with you all :)

Love you heaps,
Olivia xxx